Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Adventures of Anna Banana-Month One

It's been one whole month since our sweet Anna made her arrival! I simply can't believe we have a little baby girl in our family and let me tell you, she has taught us a lot in this last month! She is the boss of this house and everyone who comes in contact with her. So let me tell you about her first month of life and my first month of being a mom!

Parenthood, the final frontier. These are the voyages of Anna Banana. Her 18 year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no kid has gone before.

Ahhh...the joy of pregnancy! The hopes, the dreams, the wonderful ideas you have about being a parent and how your baby will be perfect...

Then comes the poop squirting out of their butt all over the changing table and floor! Hello. Welcome to being a parent of a newborn!

Anna's first month of life has been quite eventful. I wrote about her birth in my last blog. You can check that one out here if you haven't read it.

In my last blog I mentioned that our heating/air system went out while I was in labor on Monday and our well quit working. TJ fixed the well, but we had to replace the whole heating/air system in our house while I was in the hospital. If only it had stopped there! The following all quit working at some point during our first week at home:

  • The stove wouldn't come on when my mom went to make us dinner! TJ flipped some breaker switches and got it working again.
  • Our new air conditioner quit working. The guys were super nice and came back out on a Saturday morning to fix it. They ended up having to cut a hole in our floor for a drain or something. 
  • We didn't have hot water one day. TJ had to figure that one out.
  • The sink in our front bathroom started randomly leaking. The seal had broken and was leaking water underneath our sink. TJ had to fix that one!
  • The ceiling fan in our living room stopped working. I told TJ to just let that one go right now.
  • The toilet in my bathroom started running and wouldn't flush. TJ had to fix that one too!
So I have decided that if we have a second child our house will probably just burn to the ground. Each day some thing new was falling apart! We have lived here 3 years and everything quit working in the one week we had a new baby! Sheesh!

While TJ was fixing our house, Mom was helping me with Anna! The first few days of her life we accidentally starved her. I was off to a great start as a mom! I was breastfeeding her and supplementing a tiny amount with formula. At the hospital the lactation consultants kept saying your milk will come in. So I kept feeding her and she kept screaming and screaming and screaming!!!! Nothing we would do would calm her down. The Monday after we brought her home (we came home on a Thursday) we got see the lactation consultant and we discover my milk sucks! I have a little, but not enough and poor Anna was starving! OMG! I start crying and feed her a whole bottle immediately! Then we go see her doctor and he says she is perfect, we just need to get her back up to birth weight.  So we can feed her as much as she wants for a whole week! Done and Done!

We went to have her newborn pics made when she was just a week old! Callie Black Photography did them and she was SO patient with our little girl! Anna peed all over her studio and on me for that matter! We were there for 3 or 4 hours! I love the pictures though so I guess torturing my newborn for a few hours was worth it! :)

My mom has become Anna's official photographer! She has managed to chronicle her first month with so many super cute pictures! So of course I will share them!

This picture makes me laugh because she looks terrified of that giraffe! 

My mom left on Sunday and I cried and cried. I like being a mom, as long as my mom was there to help me take care of Anna!

The next day we took Anna back to the doctor to check her weight. I had been pumping as much as possible and taking some herbal stuff to help the milk, plus we were giving her bottles of formula. She had gained over a pound and we were good to go! So we were just getting this week going great and my baby starts screaming when she has a wet/dirty diaper and when I change her diaper. She has a diaper rash. What the heck?!?! I just quit starving her and now I have given her diaper rash! I am on a roll! So we have a whole week of a screaming baby and trying to get her little butt healed! I bought every diaper rash cream on the market! I have settled on butt paste! But we have a bottle of every other kind so I am going to use all that before I go buy more butt paste.

The next week Anna really broke me in! She has a great way of timing when I am changing her diaper and then pooping or peeing after I get her diaper off of her. Well without fail take the diaper off and she pee's. I pick my naked baby up to get her out of it and she starts squirting poop every where! I start laughing and she starts crying and I yell for TJ. I get her cleaned up and he cleans the mess up. Later that week Anna woke up congested and we couldn't get her calmed down. I called the doctor they gave us some things to try. We had to do a saline drop and a nose thing and we needed to change her formula. She cried all night and we stayed up with her. When we put her flat she couldn't breathe. I take her to the doctor the next day and he thinks she has acid reflux and we need to see if the new formula will help. I can take steam showers with her to help break up the congestion and make sure she sleeps propped up. Okay, I can do that!

The last week of this month long journey Anna has learned to cry all evening for no reason. Yay. We are winning! So let's recap:

  • Week 1- Starved my baby
  • Week 2- Gave baby diaper rash
  • Week 3-Baby's congested because her formula upsets her tummy and she can't breathe
  • Week 4- Starts crying every evening around 7 and continues until 10:30
We are rockin' this parenting thing!

Here are things this new mom has learned in the last month:

  • When you think Anna is done pottying her pants, wait 10 more minutes, she is faking you out
  • Under no circumstance change your baby's diaper on your bed
  • ALWAYS use butt paste
  • Get that baby her bottle before she gets to awake! You may get lucky and she will fall back asleep easily.
  • For the love of pete DO NOT lose the pacifier! She only likes the one from the hospital. Loss of the paci may result in the couch cushions being tossed across the living room and a couch being turned upside down!
  • Anna DOES NOT like to be cold. Keep her swaddled, with mitts on, and socks on at all times! DO NOT remove her clothes! Baby does not like to be naked!
  • Due to above issue, wrap baby in blanket while she takes a bath. It makes for more laundry, but a more enjoyable experience.
  • Oh you like sleep...DO NOT under any circumstance have a baby!
  • DO NOT even bother trying to watch TV or your favorite show. Baby will interrupt. 
  • Hours in the day and night have no meaning. You only operate off of Anna's schedule. There is no breakfast, lunch, and dinner there are only meal times for Anna. 
  • You just rocked Anna and think she is asleep. You get up to put her in her bed and she opens her eyes! You only thought you were going to get other things done! Nice try.
So really month one can be summarized  as lots of crying and hundreds of diapers! :)

Anna got to meet her Great Papa Leon and new cousin Everly this month as well! It was really special. Papa Leon is my last surviving grandparent so it was really important that they meet sooner than later. Everly was born one day after Anna! It's so crazy that she has a little cousin that is very nearly exactly the same age. I am sure we will have lots of fun dressing these babies up in matching outfits as they get older. That is what my Mema did to me, Kaytie, and Brandy!

As you have figured out by now, my mom is great at taking photos of Anna! At least she has been for the first month of her life! In between all the crying she has managed to dress her up and take tons of photos! :) We attempted to take one month photos...she wasn't overly in the mood to be our dress up doll! :)

I mean really! What is the fun of having a little girl and being on maternity leave if you can't dress them up? She won't be able to say we didn't chronicle her first month very well!

All in all we have survived so far! TJ is going out of town for two weeks during month two. Thankfully, mom is staying nights with me so I won't be totally on my own!

As for me, recovery has been really easy! It may be that I read so many horrible awful things before she was born that reality was actually not so horrible! The only thing I am struggling with is the fact that I gained so much weight. I need to get it off. My body is not like it was a year ago and I need to fix it. I know that my weight gain was not just the pregnancy, but more likely some depression which led to overeating. But, I don't have an excuse anymore and I need to get back on track! So watch out Weight Watchers Leigha is on her way! 

So far being a mom is awesome, exhausting, comical, and overwhelming. I have a feeling that won't ever change!

One month down...17 years 11 months to go! Just Kidding! :)

See ya in a month!
Leigha Denee

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Countdown to Baby P- Weeks 38, 39, & 40! Anna Banana is here! :)

Well it's no surprise! Our sweet Anna is here and oh how we love her! She is amazing and wonderful! I need to finish up this part of my blog and close out this pregnancy with one more post, so let me start from the beginning!

The first week of August at work had been crazy. I ended up working early and late to get a federal grant that we were working on finished. Wednesday of that week I was having contractions at work and even called TJ and told him that I thought we could have a baby that night. I didn't tell anybody at work and worked late. By the time I got home and rested the contractions subsided and I went on my merry way. Friday at work I told Katrina that I wasn't having this baby any time soon and I would meet with her on Tuesday to go over everything that needed to be done while I was gone. I would even make some lists over the weekend. Well I was feeling pretty solid all weekend so I figured I would just make my lists on Monday when I got to work. Sunday night at 8 pm I started having contractions. I remember the time because True Blood had just started so we starting timing them. They got closer and closer together and by 1 am I was in quite a bit of pain so I called the hospital and they told me some things to look for. I called them back 10 minutes later letting them know we were on our way. My contractions were 5 minutes apart and we live out in the country so I packed a bag and we headed to the hospital. I called mom and dad and told them what was up and we would call if it was anything. As we are driving down the road every pothole and bump was horrible! I couldn't wait to get there. We get there and check in and they hook me up to monitor me and check me out. My mom came up there to see what was up and check on me.Well not much was happening and she wasn't ready so they sent me home, but I'm still having contractions regularly and can't really walk without being in pain. Great. So we head home. I let work know I won't be in that day and try to stay comfortable and get some sleep.

Nope! No baby today! You have to go home!

This whole time I am not thinking I am in labor, I keep thinking this is just an awful part of the process. Every nurse and my doctor kept saying contractions can last for weeks. To make matters worse at noon on Monday our air conditioning went out and our well quit working. So here I am in a hot house having contractions and miserable and we have no air and no water. AWESOME! TJ takes me to my scheduled doctors appointment and when she checks me out I may have yelled at her and told her I couldn't take the pain anymore. She said they could schedule and induction for Wednesday at 7:30 am and I told her to put me down and if we changed our minds and the contractions subsided we would cancel. This whole time the contractions haven't stopped. TJ runs to the store to get the parts to fix the air conditioner and well. We get home and I go back to trying to rest and crying out five minutes while he works to get things back working. He thinks he as it and it still isn't working and my contractions are getting stronger. I try everything thing told me, a warm bath, tylenol, and something else I have forgotten. I did it all! So now our house is insanely hot and it's getting late. As the night goes on it feels like there are knives stabbing my uterus and ripping me apart! It IS AWFUL! I keep crying and try to breath through the pain...ha! What is strange is that I would be in pain for awhile then it would stop and I could have a normal conversation for 5 minutes then I would be screaming again. So I call the hospital and tell them as politely (or not) as possible that I need pain meds and if we were going to drive all the way in could they PLEASE give me some pain meds before they send me home again. They said they could help me out so we load up the car and head in. I only thought I was in pain the night before. This was horrible! I would start to feel little twitches on my sides and then I knew another one was coming. Then next thing I know I am screaming out in pain thinking for sure there was someone with Edward Scissor hands ripping me apart. I was crying out "Oh God Why!? WHY?!? Make it stop! What have I done to deserve this"! I am not even kidding! lol! Then it would pass I would say a few normal things and it would start over. I didn't call my parents. I'm still not thinking I am in labor, I am thinking that I am going to get some drugs and go home to sleep!

We get there and check in and go get hooked up to the monitor. By this time is around 3 am and I wait for nearly 45 minutes before the nurse is able to check me out. These contractions are kicking my butt, and I keep asking for pain meds. Really, I am not kidding, give me drugs NOW! The nurse checks me and looks at us and says "I think you are going to have a baby today!" She said she needed to go let the on call doctor know what was going on and see what they had to say but it looks like they may admit me. I look at her and ask when I can have pain meds. She just said we may have our baby today and none of this is sinking in. I just want to be out of pain! It's 2014! Why am I suffering! This is crap! She comes back and let's us know we are a go and they are going to get a room set up. When I finally get to my room I have asked for pain meds at least 15 more times. Now she is asking me questions to put in the computer system.

  • Nurse: How do you spell your name?
  • Me: L.e. OH MY GOSH!! When do I get Meds? i. g. h. a.
  • Nurse: We will give you some once we get your IV in while we wait for the epidural. Are you allergic to anything?
  • Me: No! When do I get my IV? I hate this!!
  • Nurse: Soon, they are getting it all set up. (She asks some other question)
  • Me: How soon is sooooon?!?? I need this to stop! I don't want to do it! This was a bad idea!
This went on for a few minutes. I think she probably thought I was a drug addict and needed a fix with the way I was talking! Before they could get any IV drugs in me, in walks in my new best friend, the anesthesiologist! I swear this guy had a halo! He starts explaining the risks and such. I look at him and say I don't care give me epidural, just don't show me the needle! TJ follows up with we understand just give her the epidural! At 5:20 am I received glorious relief. I had two more contractions then I never felt another one. It was AMAZING! I was smiling and even told TJ we could have 10 kids! There are no words for the awesomeness that is an epidural! Now that I have my bearings I need to call my parents. I call mom then dad and tell them to get up there we are having this baby. They get there about 7 am and I am feeling super. TJ has passed out  on the couch, at this point we haven't slept since we woke up Sunday morning so he is toast. The nurse said it would probably be early afternoon before our baby arrived so we should take naps. My doctor gets there at 8 to check on me and I am progressing well. She goes ahead and breaks my water and gives me a bit of pitocin to get my contractions to get closer together and says get some rest.

Now, I have mentioned how amazing the epidural is. Let me tell you how amazing. I am a modest woman. Always have been, so I thought I would be very uncomfortable having my lady bits out for the world. Well, epidurals are magical! So magical in fact the epidural made me feel like I had on invisible pants! Yes, invisible pants! So I didn't feel like my lady bits were all out, I had on invisible pants, so I was covered! Nothing to be modest about when you have on pants, even if they are invisible! When the nurses came in once, my mom was in there and who knows what she saw! I didn't care, I had on my invisible pants and all as right with the world! :)

Hey! I am having a baby today! 

Nap time!

Anywho, me and my invisible pants were just getting comfortable and about to fall asleep. The craziness had calmed down, I was exhausted and I felt so good. I was ready to sleep. At 9 am my doctor came to check me one more time before she went back to her office for the morning. She checks and says "We are having this baby NOW! She is ready to come out!" TJ is still asleep on the couch so I yell at him to wake up we are having a baby right now! GET UP! My mom and dad are being rushed out of the room, but my mom wants to snap a few more pictures before she leaves.

Hurry up! Take the picture! This baby is on her way!

Hurry! You guys have got to get out of here!

Ha! My half asleep hubby! Notice the no shoes and sleeping eyes! Sigh...our last picture as a family of two...
Finally, the nurses are insisting that she leave NOW because this baby was coming! The nurses are switching my room around and TJ is trying to put on his shoes and I am yelling that there is no time! Next thing I know I see these legs go up in the air and I remember laying there thinking..."Those are my legs? I can see them...but I can't feel them! Check out my invisible pants?! I am freaking out!" I am shaking at this point, because just 10 minutes ago I was about to take a nap and now we are about to meet our baby. TJ keeps telling me to calm down because I was shaking so bad. They keep telling me to push and I can't feel a darn thing so I just go with it. At one point I turned to the nurse and asked her how long this was going to take. She said it could take as long as three hours. I screamed "WHAT?!" and looked at her then TJ. She told me not to worry, mine shouldn't take that long. She was right. At 10:01 am on August 12, 2014 sweet little Anna Lenee was born.

They laid her on my chest and I just remember feeling so strange. It was all surreal. She was mine. She had been just a name, a hope, a dream for months and now she was here. I had a face to go with the name. I was scared. She was so little and needed me so much. She was crying. TJ cut her cord and she was no longer connected to me. I didn't feel that rush of love that people talk about. Not at first. I felt afraid and scared. I just couldn't believe she was mine.

Anna Lenee and I did skin to skin while they cleaned us both up. TJ went to tell my mom, dad, and Nick that she had arrived. They finally came into meet her about 11am. I let them hold her for a little bit then we went back to skin to skin. I just kept her close to me. Next to my heart, nice and warm. She was my sweet miracle. She was my hope and promise of happiness that I had been longing for, that my whole family had been longing for.

Callie Black came to the hospital to take a few pictures for us right after she was born. She put together the following video of her first little moments in this world.

My parents were so happy. Anna was here and healthy and I was okay.

I loved being in the hospital and I loved pushing that little button. Anytime I needed help with something or had a question about what I should do with Anna someone came to help. It was wonderful!

We had so many visitors while I was in the hospital. I know some people are funny about visitors, but Anna needed to be shared and loved on by so many people. Our family and friends all needed something bright and full of joy to take some of the day in and day out sadness away.


Uncle Nick

My sweet baby girl!

Grandma Bobbi


Grandpa Sam

Aunt Becky and Uncle Kenny

Aunt Becky


The hospital had someone come take her photo and we could dress her up like we wanted! :)

Uncle Jacob

Aunt Kristen

Mommy is still not great at getting her dressed! :)
Shelly and Peyton

Liz and Kaytie cheered in college together. Liz was my nurse on the second day and it was so great! She was like a little connection to Kaytie. :)


Katie & Kelly




Kaytie's sweet friends!

Katrina & Kate
Uncle Tim

Headed home!

Let's do this!!

Oh yeah! So while I was having a baby, my dad and nick were working on getting someone to come out to our house to work on our air conditioning. We couldn't bring Anna home to a hot house. TJ had to be at our house early Wednesday morning to meet some repair people. Much to our shock and horror the whole system was going to need to be replaced. So we had to get a whole new heating and air system installed in our house the Wednesday and Thursday after Anna was born. So TJ wasn't able to be at the hospital much with us. We couldn't have pulled off getting the new system without Anna's Uncle Nick. He saved the day with all of the connections he had and we will forever be grateful to him for helping us out the way he did. We wouldn't have been able to bring our baby home to her house without his help.

When it finally came time to go home on Thursday, I didn't want to leave. I liked having nurses there to ask questions and help me with Anna. I was scared to go home. Luckily, my mom would be there with me! TJ was wrapping up with the air conditioning so he came to pick us up about 4pm. We figured out that dang car seat and we loaded up to head home.

I mentioned, that I didn't feel that instant love that people talk about. It was different for me. I slowly fell in love with her as the day moved on. The more I held her and the more she became real to me the more I loved her. The more I got to interact with her and hold her and touch her the more I fell in love with her. I loved her in my womb, but it was different when she got here. I loved her, but the strong overwhelming love came slowly and gradually. With each kiss on her head and each little squeak, my heart just started to overflow. She was mine and we were about to start our next big adventure in life together.

Stay tuned to find out how our first month went...

Meeting her big sister!

Baby in a Bassinet!

The morning after our first night home...LOL!

Until next time,
Leigha Denee aka Anna's Mommy! :)