Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Very Merry Christmas Wrap Up!

Merry week after Christmas! I assume we all survived the holiday and had a wonderful time with family and friends! I know we did.

Our Christmas adventures started off on Friday night with Christmas at my Dad's apartment. The whole crew met to exchange gifts and eat a delicious beef tenderloin my dad had prepared. I think this is the first Christmas we spent together in a few years, since he just moved back to Oklahoma. It was fun and we had a great time just visiting and relaxing. Also, everyone got to meet the super cute Elizabeth Taylor that night as well. She was a hit. :)

Christmas Eve Kaytie and Nick came over on their way to Tulsa. We gave them their presents and had lunch.  I made chicken tortilla soup. It was yummy. Kaytie and I then made cookies for Santa. However, she left before we could frost them. They looked more like big blobs rather than snowmen and Christmas trees! Oh well, I never said my name was Betty Crocker! Later that day Veronica came over to the house to stay the night and my mom came over to stay the night! It was so fun to have people other than us in our house for Christmas Eve. I love having my family here. This year I was in charge of Christmas dinner and let me tell you that is a ton of work!!! Saturday, I fixed the mashed potatoes, baked beans, deviled eggs, pecan pie, and put the ham in the slow cooker. I seriously spent from 7 pm to after midnight in the kitchen. I was tired! I then asked my mom how people did this with kids. In theory if this was a Christmas that we had kids, after I fixed the food for Christmas dinner then I would have to make sure all of Santa's gifts were in place as well! Do parents sleep on Christmas Eve?

Then next morning I got up early and made biscuits, bacon, and sticky buns. Then we opened presents! It was wonderful and my sweet hubby did such a good job this year! I didn't really give him any direction and he totally surprised me. He got me a porch swing that we are going to hang from one of the trees in our backyard. I saw this cute idea on pinterest with a swing hanging from the tree and a cute garden around the tree! He remembered and we are going to set it all up in the Spring! He also got me a Xbox 360 with Kinect!! This came out of nowhere but it is really cool! He also got me Just Dance 3 and that is going to be my new workout! Have you ever played? It is so fun, but OMG such a workout! Dance party at my house! Come on over! :)

Okay, back to Christmas day! Once presents were opened I started on lunch. I was going to attempt to make a turkey. Okay it wasn't a full turkey, just a turkey breast, but still! I put that in the oven to cook, then an hour later, put the potatoes, baked beans, and dressing mom made in to warm up and bake. By the time it was all said and done everything was so yummy and the turkey turned out REALLY good. Since only a few of us were here to eat, we are going to be having leftovers for the next week. Mom spent one more night with us Christmas night, so after lunch we all took naps and then spent the rest of the evening watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel. It was perfect!

Christmas was really great this year. We did a great deal of celebrating and spending time with our family all through the month. .

Now it's time to get the decorations down and get back to normal! Wish me luck! I have a ton of work ahead of me this afternoon!

Talk to you all soon,

A new puppy for the Pembertons!

Merry Week of Christmas Everyone! I hope you all are enjoying this final count down of the Christmas Season. I have a few more gifts to buy and wrap then Friday kicks of the Christmas weekend!

As many of you may have seen on my Facebook, we have adopted a sweet little boxer/terrier mix. I named her Elizabeth Taylor after Charlotte's dog in Sex and the City. TJ has asked me all year what I want for Christmas and with out fail I responded with I want a puppy!

Tiffany, a girl I work with at UCO, decided to foster puppies. The first one she fostered was Elizabeth Taylor. She posted her picture on Facebook and I knew right away she was the one. So we picked her up on Saturday and been in love ever since!

The pup is only 7-8 weeks old, so we have a long way to go on the potty training scale. She doesn't quite have a quick enough response time from "oh I have to pee" to "oops!". We are working on it. The first night she was with us, we all three slept on the couch together. She cuddled up to TJ, like he was her long lost love. It made me a bit jealous, after all, I am the one who wanted her! :) Last night Morgan came over for the first time. In case you don't remember, Morgan is the neighbors dog who thinks he lives at our house. We love him too! He seemed a little put off that there was another dog in the house and ran away. Of course this made me sad. Later that night when I was taking E.T. out (which is what TJ calls her by the way) Morgan came back over and came in the house. I think he was scared of the lightening. TJ calmed him down finally. Morgan slept on the floor, Elizabeth Taylor and I on the couch, and TJ in the bed. Tonight I am sleeping in my bed! I am exhausted! I love both dogs, but seriously, I am sleepy! E.T. did great. She licked my face when she needed to go out both times so score for us! Let's just see if we can keep it up.

I am so happy to have her at home. It is a fun dynamic to add to the Pemberton house and it's funny to see our discipline styles come through. So far, I am a push over for a cute face and TJ not so much! LOL!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tis the Season to be Jolly!

This holiday season is upon us and in full force! It seems like it just started and in two weeks it will all be over!! I love this time of year. The lights, the songs, the shows on tv, and all of the festivities happening all around. I enjoy spending extra special times with my family. Last year we were so engrossed in the wedding and honeymoon it barely felt like Christmas. I am embracing every day of this season and loving every minute of it!

The Calfy side of the family got together to start this season off right! We had a wonderful time playing dirty Santa and visiting. The best part was they all got to come to our house! I just loved opening it up to everyone! It seemed like there was enough room for everyone to be comfortable which was a nice change from the old place.  The funniest part of the night was when Tim's dirty Santa gift consisted of a thong and some other "things" and TJ is the one that ended up with that gift! He thought it would be appropriate try it on over his jeans and model it for all to see! It was honestly the most fun Christmas related event we have had together since since my grandparents passed away. It felt like we were all happy for once. I love them all and I wouldn't mind making it a Calfy family tradition to start the Christmas season off with a fun party every year!

TJ and I celebrated our one year anniversary on December 4th! It was a wonderful 1st anniversary. We went to a wonderful bed and breakfast called Echo Canyon. We stayed in a wonderful room with balcony that over looked beautiful woods. We had an AMAZING dinner that included filet mignon, garlic butterfly shrimp, bbq chicken breast, twice baked potato, a wonderful salad that had watermelon, black olives, apples, etc in it, and cheesecake and chocolate moose for dessert! It was insane. The best food we had ever eaten! It was such a fun time, I told TJ we need to do it more often. :) I made a sappy little video with pictures from our first year! Don't feel like you have to watch it. I just did it for us to commemorate our first year!

My mom, sister, and aunt came over this evening to make Christmas treats! It was crazy. We ended up with 10 boxes of goodies to give out or eat for ourselves! It was fun. We tried several receipes from Pintrest. Only one didn't turn out right. There was one receipe that said you could put a peppermint kiss inside a brownie and bake it, then tada! you have peppermint brownies. Yeah, I tried twice and ended up with peppermint kisses stuck to the bottom of the pan! So we cut up the brownies in small bites and called it reindeer poo! lol! We had a fun time and made a TON of treats!

I hope you all are enjoying this sweet time of year with your families and loved ones. Keep focused on the important things and not the material things. The latest and greatest gadget or toy will be tossed aside in a months time, but those specials moments and memories will be with you forever!

Merry Christmas to all!!
Love Leigha

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Tour of the Pemberton House!

So I was playing around with my iPad and found a simple movie app and I tried it out on a tour of our home! So for all of you that have been wanting to see what it looks like here you go! :)

Lol! Please disregard all the shaking. I am not a professional video person!

Click Here!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

43.8? That's how much less of me there is!

Guess what folks? As of today, I have officially lost 43.8lbs! I am so excited for so many reasons! It has been a long year and I have tried hard to get this weight off. Now, don't get me wrong I still enjoy all the yummy things in life and I am sure if I had given it all up I could lose weight more quickly. However, I am not looking for a quick fix, I am looking for a lifestyle change and I am on my way! I have SEVERAL more pounds to lose and that is not an exaggeration, but my short term goal is to make it an even 50 before the end of the year. HA! Yep,  I want to lose 6.2 more pounds during the "most wonderful time of the year"! I think I can do it and this is my plan. I will stick to my points rigidly except for the major days. This means I can go over on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and two holiday parties. I don't mean eat all I want and not count either, I will portion control. I will also pick back up my regular workouts and maybe try to throw an extra one in there when I can. I can do this and I will. I will quote Thomas the train "I think I can, I think I can...".  I tell you all this in hopes to keep myself accountable. The world (i.e. my handful of readers) knows my plan therefore I have to complete the plan!!!

In other news:

My mom and I took a quick trip to Nashville in October. I just love going places with her! We always have so much fun and see some new things! Plus, even though I am a grown married adult, I like to have mom all to myself sometimes! :) We get to bond and have girl time. I wouldn't trade those moments for anything!

Did you know this was in Nashville?

My favorite lady in the whole world!

Too Cute!

TJ and I went to his high school reunion at the end of October as well! It was so nice to meet so many of his old friends. Everyone was saying how sweet he was in high school and how much they had missed him over the years. It was really neat to get a glimpse into a time when I didn't know him.

TJ and I also had the pleasure of attending our friend's Lindsay and Bill's wedding. It was beautiful at the Thunderbird Chapel. We had fun and danced and visited. The best part though is they played our first dance song from our wedding at one point so we danced of course! I will admit, I got a little misty eyed. I am kinda in love with that guy! ;)

Aside all that other stuff! TJ and I are settling into our new home wonderfully! I love it here! I just painted our master bathroom and I have caught the bug. I now plan on painting our kitchen just as soon as I pick out the color. In my world this means it will be done over the Thanksgiving weekend or before Christmas! :) Once I get and idea in my head I usually don't rest until it's followed through. TJ has the kitchen floor finished and the entry way. We laid laminate wood floors. I love them. They made such a difference. Next up are the bathrooms.

The drive to and from work is not so bad. I am enjoying setting the cruise control and relaxing a bit before I walk into work or into the house. I can't wait for next weekend because I am pulling out all the Christmas decor and it will be so fun decorating OUR home.

Not much else is going on at the moment. Every  Tuesday this month I have spent with girlfriends catching up, which has been a delight! I am not really sure why the plans are always for Tuesday, but for some reason that day just works for people! :)

I'll post pictures of the house once it is decorated for Christmas. I keep finding projects I want to do around the house, so I keep telling myself "after that is done I'll post pics". Turns out if that is the case no one will ever see the house. I need to have a gathering of sorts and invite people over. I just don't know who would be willing to make the long drive out here! LOL!

Well, I hope every one is having a happy November!

Talk to you all soon,

Monday, October 17, 2011

Lesson's learned after a week in the country!

I have officially lived out in the country for a week! Let me tell you, things will never be the way they were as long as we live out here! Turns out you can take the girl out of the city...but it's a bit harder to get the city out of the girl!!

So here is what I have learned in the past week:

  • Flip Flops are a shoe of the past. There are so many stickers and strange plants out here that it is unwise to wear flip flops when walking around outside! I will now have to be one of those people that have specific shoes to walk around our property in that stay outside.
  • I'll be there in a little bit really means I'll be there in 30-45 minutes depending on what part of town I am coming from and if I leave right now! LOL! 
  • We refer to Edmond as "in town" now.
  • Fast food. There is no such thing as FAST food. When I pick up dinner on my way home it is luke warm at best by the time I arrive at our table! A week ago I could go to any restaurant in Edmond and be back home with piping hot dinner in 10 minutes! 
  • A sparkling clean mustang is no more. I have all kinds of weird dead bugs on my windshield. My pretty little mustang sticks out like a sore thumb driving down these roads! 
  • The sound of guns being fired is as common as the sound of the train in Edmond! Lord help me during gun season!
  • While well water will most likely not run out...I still wonder about it when I fill up the bath tub! 
  • When planting tulips one must deal with mating grasshoppers and strange little lizards! 
  • I can tell people to literally drive to the where the pavement turns to a dirt road and turn right!
  • My drive to and from home is marked by strange landmarks that signify to me how close or far I am to my destination. For example: random restaurant, tree bridge, red beacon of light, don't drive fast through that town, random historical marker, turn at the church...
I am sure there are more things that I can't recall at the moment, but you get the idea! I think my mom was the one to compare this situation to the couple in Green Acres! LOL! Don't worry! I am adjusting and I LOVE our house and our sweet neighbors dog that thinks he is ours! I love it out here so much that its hard to leave in the morning because I want to stay here and hang out! 

TJ is in the middle of tearing up our floors and putting in new  ones! As soon as he is done I am going to make a video tour of our house, since we live so far out that no one will ever come visit us! LOL! 

Until next time,

Monday, October 10, 2011

We Bought A House!!

Oh my goodness! Where do I even begin! The month of September was a crazy month full of tons of excitement and life changes! I guess I will start from the beginning.

On September 10th Cheryl and  I attempted to run our first 5K race! It was called Heels for Hope and it benefits ovarian cancer research. I must say it was pretty intimidating setting off to actually run the race. I was quite nervous when we started and by the end of it I just wanted to finish! It felt great though. I really enjoyed the race and we are going to do another one this weekend, the Race for the Cure. I wish I could find one 5K a month to run in, in order to keep my running momentum up! My goal is to continue to run/jog 3 times a week. I have kept up maybe twice, but have gotten really busy! The day of the race my mom and TJ came to cheer us on! I will say it makes a huge difference knowing that the people who love you are there to support you!

The day after we ran our race TJ and I made an offer on this cute little blue and white house that sat on 7.5 acres. This house had everything we hoped for. It was on land, it had a large garage that could be converted into a man cave, three bedroom, two baths, you can't hear the train AT ALL, and most importantly a porch!!! After we made the offer we found out that another couple and put in an offer on the house as well, so it was up to the seller. I had to leave for our work retreat that same day and left it all to go float down the river and get some work done! While I was gone we found out they accepted our offer and we had to finalize our loan paperwork, get a home inspection, well and septic inspection, appraisal, and get it all done before the 1st so we could tell our landlord we were moving out! But I am getting ahead of myself.

The weekend after the retreat Kaytie and I went to see Katy Perry in Tulsa! It was soooo fun! I love going to concerts with my sister! We always have a blast! Katy Perry puts on an amazing show and we sang practically the whole concert! I adore my sister even though I know I annoy her and vice versa.  I think the saddest part about moving to the country is that I had to move farther away from her. I found a journal I had written my senior year of high school and I talk about how she was my best friend and a no one could take her place. I am glad somethings never change!
Before the Concert!

So it has become a tradition to eat at this Mexican Restaurant two blocks from the BOK Center when we see concerts!

That tradition also include the yummy tiki man margaritas! 

and this table is where we have set both times!

lol! We bought cotton candy in honor of Katy Perry's obsession with  candy!

It was raining when we left so we made a mad dash for the car!

Silly heels!

The week after Katy Perry, I had to hop on a plane and head to Colorado Springs for four days for work! In case anyone has forgotten we are still attempting to buy a house in all of this! Colorado was great! We had several meetings and went to a really cool dinner where we heard Bob Costas speak. While he was really awesome to listen to, an Olympian from the 1936 Games in Berlin stole the show. He was living history. His name is Adolf Kiefer and he was a simmer for the USA. He talked about how they had to take a boat 5 days to get from the US to Europe. He also met Adolf Hitler! It must have been a scary place to be in Nazi Germany all those years ago. It was crazy to think about the world coming together for the Olympics, an event to unify the world in peace for two weeks, in a place where so many horrible things were happening that the rest of the world had yet to find out about. I could have listened to him all night.
You can't really tell, but this is Olympic Gold Medalist Evan Lysacek!

 So we get back from Colorado and get all the things moving with the house. We finally get a closing date for October 7th. I call our landlord and let them know that October is our last month and start to pack. Mom and I had decided to have a garage sale the weekend before we close and move. I got rid of three truck loads of stuff! Who knew I had so much stuff! I will admit I did sell almost all my house decor. I want our new home to be ours not "Leigha's". Luckily, we made $479 during our two day sale and were able to put that money towards a new couch!

In the middle of all of this I have my first Leadership UCO class. This is a group of UCO employees that are selected from applicants across campus. This group meets once a month and allows employees from a wide variety of areas to learn and develop leadership skills and get to know each other better in order to work better together. Well our first class was the Challenge Course on the Thursday before we close on our house. Pretty much I am stressed to the max and now I am going to climb up a pole and hope a rope holds me in case I fall. Awesome! Well I made it up the pole and to the ropes that you had to walk across while holding another rope above your head. Me + zero upper body strength= a daring rescue by one of the facilitators! I would say I fell off the ropes, more like set down on them when my legs gave out from under me! So here I am swinging from a rope and harness waiting for my rescue! Once I was pulled to the next section of the Challenge Course I proceeded to finish with out incident! I must say this for all those who might be nervous doing this....it is very safe! So if you can just remember that your harness will hold you, it really isn't that scary. Even if you need to be rescued! LOL!

LOL! Hanging out waiting to be rescued!

Woo Hoo! I finished!
After surviving the Challenge Course I head home to finish packing! Turn out I was too tired and ended up finishing packing on Friday! LOL! TJ and I went to closing on Friday and signed our life away. It was such a relief to sign those papers and know the house was really ours. We met the previous owner and closing and he was so nice. He wanted to make sure we would be nice to Morgan, the neighbors dog who likes to sleep on the back porch and be loved on! He even left us some treats for him! After the paperwork was signed we came out to our new home and we were just totally and completely happy. The previous owners left us a list with all the number to call and set up everything so I called the electric (which is a coop...we are really in the country!), the internet, the trash, ADT, and Direct TV. Then we headed to Mathis Brothers where we picked out our new couch and KING SIZE mattress! Needless to say we were worn out by the time we got back to Edmond and still needed to pack a few more things.

Saturday morning came and we loaded up the UHaul with the help of my family and unloaded with the help of both our families! It was a crazy day and my family was impressed I didn't have a nervous break down or yell at anyone! LOL! My wonderful mom helped get my kitchen together before she had to head back to her house which was a miracle! Sunday our bed and coffee table was delivered, but no couch. Currently, we are sitting in camping chairs in the living room. I took Monday off to get everything put away and be here for the cable and internet people since TJ couldn't. While he was gone I managed to get the rest of the house squared away for the most part and start making my list of things to update! :) The bathroom needs paint and we would like to put down new flooring in the bathrooms and kitchen.

To sum up this really long post, living out here is going to be an adventure. It is amazing how happy we are right now. Moving out of that rent house into a home that is ours is the most wonderful feeling. TJ can hunt in his backyard and I can sit on the back porch and read my book. We have our own little piece of the American Dream and I am so thankful and grateful for it. Hey, it even came with a dog! It's perfect for us and this next chapter in our lives.

Home Sweet Home

Our new best friend!
Oh in case anyone was wondering! I have lost 38.2 lbs! I can't wait to get to -40 lbs!!

Talk to you sooner than later!

Friday, September 9, 2011


In September of 2001 I had just barely started my senior year of high school. The world was at my feet and I was having the time of my life. In my senior Honors English class my teacher Mrs. Ayers had us write a journal documenting our senior year. She provided the topics to us and we could say whatever we wanted. One of the topics was titled "Moments in Time". Within in this topic we talked about our proudest, happiest, saddest, scariest, and most embarrassing moments. My scariest moment was the attack on the World Trade Center. The following is an excerpt from my journal, written from the view of a senior in high school.

"The scariest moment of my senior year, well in almost my whole life, was 9-11-01. I will never forget where I was that day. We all had just come in from marching practice when Mr. Abrego's phone rang. His wife was in a panic claiming that a plane had hit the Trade Center. Almost immediately we turn on the TV. I saw smoke and fire and the words Terrorist Attack flashing across the screen. Next thing I know we hear a plane has hit the Pentagon. Soon after that with our eyes glued to the TV we see the second plane hit the second tower. That image is forever stuck in my mind. That whole day my body was numb. I had never been so afraid for my life and the lives of those around me. I kept thinking who was next. Where will the next plane hit? That day I saw images of people falling helplessly from the top floors. I can't forget it. I won't. I remember the first time a plane flew over my head after the air ban was lifted. I was outside marching and chills went through my spine and the hairs on my arms and neck stood up. A sound that never bothered me before was now a sound of fear and panic. To this day it is hard for me to talk about without wanting to break down in tears. I don't want to remember, but I can't ever forget."

I wrote this in April of 2002. The class of 2002 was going to face a new world. The class of 2002 in Oklahoma would have lived through two major terrorist attacks and be able to recall and remember both of them vividly. Eighteen year olds across the country would head off to war as they graduated, to defend a country we love. This event changed the paths our lives were on forever.

One can only hope that there will be a day when our children, grandchildren, and future won't have to worry about what the county's threat level color is. Since that time is not right now, I will leave you with this: do not live in fear, but rather in love and happiness, make every day count.

Until next time,

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Edmond, OK

Monday, September 5, 2011

- 35.2 and counting...

Well ladies and gents, I have officially lost 35.2 lbs. YAY! I can't wait to hit 40 then 50 then eventually 100!! Oh yes I can do this! I have been inspired by my friend Cheryl. On her blog she listed some goals she has and also posted a before picture. Well... I figured it's time. I took a before picture tonight. Yes, I am aware that it is not a true before picture, but better to start here than not do it at all. I had some reservations about posting this here then I realized, most of you see me every day just like I am so what's the big deal?

So here they are:

I had actually just got back from a jog. Changed shirts though! 

Yikes! This one is scary!
Please ignore the slightly disheveled look of our room. I cropped out the machine gun in the corner on TJ's side of the bed so not to freak anyone out :)! I am actually happy with how I currently look! It has taken a lot of work to just get to this point! It also makes me excited to keep going. I know I can do this now and I just need to keep momentum! I jogged this evening at Mitch Park here in Edmond. Can I just tell you outside vs. treadmill are two VERY different types of run! I nearly died and I got lost on the trail and I was afraid I would have to call for a rescue! I couldn't run it all, but I want to keep trying outside and see how far I can get without stopping. 

Here are the goals I want to set for myself. I have much larger ultimate goals, but it is better to do this a little bit at a time. 

1. Run/Jog a 5K! No Walking! 
2. Limit my soda intake to 1 a day. I am too addicted to quit cold turkey!
3. Drop 1 more jean size by Christmas. I can do this. My current jeans are a tiny bit baggy in the butt! :)
4. Continue to run 3 times a week. Even after the Race for the Cure Oct. 15th.
5. Get better at tracking my Weight Watchers points. I have no excuse not to! There is an app for that! 

These are my goals to get me through the rest of the year. They are all attainable and I believe I can do them all. I will reassess after the first of the year and come up with a new set of goals! So wish me luck! :)

On a side note: I would really like to get tinsel extensions like the Beverly Hills Housewives. Do you all think I could pull this look off in Oklahoma or should I save it for a vacation? :) 

Until next time,

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Southern summer, barefoot, blue jean night...

For the first night in what seems like forever it was a nice evening outside. I got home from dinner with my mom and just had to go sit on the back porch. The weather was just perfect! Then I went and grabbed my book and just enjoyed the evening. It is a night like this that my heart aches for a home of our own, with a porch of our own, and some land with no fences or trains near by. The last few days I have had to pray for patience. I want a home of our own so badly and yet nothing is coming up that is right for us. I get discouraged and frustrated, and then I remind myself that it is better to wait for the right house then settle for something that we won't be happy with. After all, the house we buy will be the home we bring our babies home to and the one we will be in for awhile. So, Lord give me the patience and peace of mind that we will find the right house for our family when we are supposed to find it.

In case anyone was wondering, I am still on my weight loss journey! I have currently lost 34.6 lbs!! I feel great about myself and I want it to keep coming off! Cheryl and I have started running. Yeah you heard me...running!! We have even signed up to RUN two 5K's this fall. The first one is September 10th and it is the Heels for Hope race. This one supports Ovarian cancer, which is what Cheryl's mom has, so we are running for her. The next one is the Race for the Cure in October. Our goal is to actually run them, knowing we will have to walk some of it. Right now we can run two miles with a break in the middle on the treadmill. It has been too stinkin hot to run outside. We are going to need to get over that soon! The running is going great and I hope we keep it up! We have been at it now for 7 weeks, slowly building up over time. I am having issues with my knee bothering me. If you don't know or remember I tore my ACL my sophomore year of college. I had it repaired but it has never been the same and hurts more often than not now. TJ is taking me to get a brace this week so I have a bit more confidence in my knee when running. It doesn't hurt when I run though, so I am not going to give up!

Work is busy as usual! This semester I am a coach in Lessons in Leadership, a class on campus at UCO. I must say I am so excited about this. The students in this class are in the class because of a leadership scholarship. The students are split up into small groups and a staff member on campus is their coach for the semester. Basically, we just guide them through the semester and make sure they stay on track. I hope I can be a good example of a leader to these students and help them on their path to whatever they want to be!

July was a crazy month. Kaytie, Cheryl, and I went to the NKOTBSB concert and mom and I went to Colorado Springs for a week! Then last weekend Kristen and I hosted Kim's baby shower! Little Andrew should be making his appearance any day now! :) I will leave you with a few pictures of the summer!

Until next time,


Garden of the Gods
Flying W Ranch
Fourth of July

Kim's Baby Shower