Friday, March 28, 2014

Count down to Baby P- Weeks 17 & 18

I am seizing the moment and starting this particular blog on the first day of spring, sitting on my back porch, enjoying the 74 degree weather. I know quiet moments will be few and far between in a few months so now is the time to enjoy the peace and quiet of our little home in the middle of nowhere.

Week 17- 

This week was really uneventful in the pregnancy department. The only thing that really came up this week is I started to worry about me and TJ. Before everyone goes nuts, we are fine, let me explain!

We have had nearly 7 and half years just to each other. Exploring this world together, laughing, and going through life's ups and downs with each other. This guy is the the guy who I hopped on a plane and flew across the world to see shoot a bow and arrow in Beijing, China in 2008, the guy who held my hand and let me cry when I got the call about my Grandma Norma passing away, then again when my Papa Frank passed away, this is the guy who took me out in an epic snowstorm on Christmas Eve 2009 to Liberty Lake and got down on one knee in the snow and asked me to be his wife, this guy who I married and promised to love forever, the guy who I bought a little country house with, got a crazy dog with, then added a crazy cat, went to Hawaii and fell even more in love with his family, then went to Ireland to accomplish one of my dreams and goals and one of his all in the same trip.  Now we are going to go on to our next adventure and be parents to this sweet little baby.

I am excited, but I started to wonder how this will change our dynamic. We are totally in love with each other and while we have our moments and drive each other insane more often than not, what we have works for us and I don't want to lose that. Heck, I am starting to get afraid I am going to lose who I am. I don't want to become mom blob that is only defined by what her children do and their lives. I have opinions, likes, dislikes! I am an educated woman (at least according to Sallie Mae and the statement she sends each month!)! I like to run, read, plan parties, buy cute clothes (and fit in them)! I like to travel and do things! 

I understand that all the things that make up me, and that make up mine and TJ's relationship will take a backseat for a while. From what I understand it is a miracle anyone makes it through the newborn phase.

I am a perpetual planner. I don't deal well with the unknown and since this is my first rodeo, I don't know what to expect. This causes me anxiety!!! 

I know in time I will figure out this mom + wife thing. Baby P is going to become apart of our little family and we will wonder what life was like with out him/her being here and I know we won't miss it. But until that point-my poor worried self is going to have to find a chill pill...maybe in the form of a Gummy Bear...

Week 18-

SPRING BREAK! It's time to PARTY LIKE A ROCKSTAR!!! Drinking on the beach, getting my tan on!

Oh wait! I am pregnant! And old! I mean technically I can still do those things sans pregnancy. It's just called vacation! LOL!

Oh how life has changed! I had planned to dominate my house this week. I was going to get every room ready in some way for baby. You know, I am only 18 weeks pregnant only showing a little bit and I can still rock n roll! HA!

*Side Note- I haven't really cleaned my house or folded clothes in about two weeks since I knew I was going to do it all over Spring Break and my tired butt didn't need much convincing that this plan was a good one.

So the first day I deep clean the living room. I dusted, vacuumed the couch, cleaned off every surface. Then I started on all of our laundry. The clean had accumulated into a pile. Basically, clothes started not fitting and I was kind of at a loss wrapping my head around this concept so they just sat on our spare bed. So on this day I switched out my entire closet with maternity clothes my friend Kim is letting me borrow and clothes I think I can make work. Then I packed up all my beautiful cute clothes and shed a few tears saying seeing you in the winter or next year. AAAHHHH!!! That was the first day. Then next day, I couldn't move. I was so sore and tired and sore and sore. So that day I just sat around the house trying to not feel to awful! 

What the heck! It's not like I ran a half marathon! It was so weird! The next day I deep cleaned the front bathroom and organized the cabinets. I mean it is amazing! I also finished my closet project. I had switched the clothes but hadn't cleaned it up otherwise. This was all I got done because...


A lady I know was working for a newly set up clinic and they were doing practice ultrasounds, so I signed up to get one. I invited my family since they keep bugging me about seeing Baby P and I won't let them come to the doctors with me! That would be WAY to stressful! Baby P looked super cute!

So what might you ask about this glorious occasion caused me to have a nervous break down? Oh I don't know I might have Googled "Healthy Baby Ultrasound Images" and had a panic attack that something was horribly wrong with our baby... yeah... about that... I NEED TO GET OFF THE INTERNET! :)

The rest of Spring Break just involved me finishing up cleaning and getting ready to go back to work! Oh and me watching a horrible documentary that FREAKED me out about Labor and Delivery and caused yet another round of tears! This led me to ask my poor doctor all these crazy questions. I need to know the process and the steps and I needed to know NOW! She calmed me down a little bit and also mentioned that some nurses do not appreciate being handed a birth plan when I walk in to have a baby. She said it would be like someone coming in and telling me how to do my job! The best thing to do is go over everything in advance with her and she will mark it in my file, then to remind her that day. Oh and it will all be okay! Bah! What does she know!? :)

Help us all! If I cry anymore TJ may move out to the Man Cave and I won't see him for 5 months! :)

I just love our little Elizabeth Taylor! Baby P wears her out already! :)

Look how much they change in 9 weeks! Next week we will have an even better look at our sweet baby!

Hey Mom! Hey Dad! :)
Kaytie and Mom are putting together a fun Gender Reveal for us! I am so excited! I wonder what Baby P will be!?!?

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Countdown to Baby P- Weeks 15-16

Week 15-

Week 15 on the pregnancy side of life was pretty boring, other than I think my belly is finally growing some! This week was all about the oh so wonderful, terrifyingly bossy, one and only bride to be...Kaytie Lenee Joiner! Her bridal shower was this week!

Mom and I had the spectacular idea to buy from Etsy one of those print your own party packs! So we based all of our other decorations off the colors in this party we bought. Now I love to plan a good party, I really do, but planning a party while pregnant is a different story. For the last week I came home every night and cut out what felt like hundreds of papers. I made banners, wrapped water bottles, wrapped Hershey mini's, put together treat boxes, cut out games to play. Our house was covered in little bits of paper scraps! So I continually cursed my sister, since of course this is all her fault. Don't worry in my sweet older sister fashion I let her know. :)

The day finally came and Mom and I plus the other hostesses decorated her friend Kelly's house and it turned out ADORABLE! The vision Mom and I had a month ago came together in a very pretty way! Plus, I think Kaytie had a great time! Several people from different parts of her life came to give their congrats and shower her with wonderful gifts! I guess all the work was worth it, but I remind her of it! :)

Week 16-

So this week started off with a scary moment. I had a crazy day at work, literally I was in meetings all day starting at 8 and ending at 5. I didn't get my work out in so I was disappointed by that, but as I left the office to head home I started having shooting pains in my abdomen area (I guess that is what you would call it, basically where the baby would be). I was talking to TJ on my way home and had to hang up because I was in so much pain. The goal was just to get home and lay down. I didn't feel like it was something with the baby, I just felt like I need to rest. I get home go immediately to lay down and it doesn't let off. So I think that maybe I am just really hungry so I eat dinner. Everything can be fixed with food right? Not this. I plant myself on the couch and try not to move, when that doesn't help I go back and lay down and finally fall asleep. Well, turns out these sharp horrible pains kept waking me up throughout the night. So much so I started to cry and TJ finally gave me a Tylenol. I try not to take them very often at all, but I just wanted to fall back asleep. I wake up early and leave a message for the doctor. They got back with me in less than 30 mins. These wonderful pains are something called Round Ligament Pain. They said it was normal and unfortunately can be very painful. Joy. I can take Tylenol, rest, drink lots of water, and a warm bath might help. I am glad nothing is really wrong and this is just a normal thing that can happen. It was still scary though.

Here are few things I don't want to forget about this point in the pregnancy:

  • Apparently I have a pizza obsession! I didn't realize it until this week when TJ said that he didn't want to eat ANYMORE pizza. I guess we have been eating it 1-2 times a week since I've been pregnant. I didn't realize it! LOL! 
  • I have entered the "OMG I have to pee all the time" phase. Seriously, I think it would be easier just not to ever wear pants. I find them annoying as I rush off to the restroom. 
  • I love Doctor Who. I realize this has nothing to do with being pregnant, but I have only ever watched it while pregnant so I am going with it! :)
  • I have realized all tv movies that have pregnant people in it are stupid. I don't think anything they show is really how it is! It's dumb! We watched a movie the other night and I swear the lady had a baby bump in a matter of weeks! It's like they say Hey I'm pregnant...then two minutes later they are like Hey I look 6 months pregnant! That's not how it happens! This bump is taking it's precious time to make an appearance. Now I realize that every experience is different, but I only know mine so I call these movies liars! :)
  • I don't like chicken. I eat it in little bits, but I just really don't like it! ICK!
  • I had a weird itchy leg problem. At about 10 weeks my legs broke out in weirdness and I would itch like CRAZY! It was HORRIBLE! I couldn't stand it. The doctor called in some prescription and finally just now my legs are almost back to normal. Sheesh!
  • I Goggle pictures of "What does 16 weeks pregnant look like" so I can make sure my belly isn't too far off from Google images!
  • My friend Cheryl laughs at me because I claim the baby levels up each Tuesday. She says its not like in Mario where they just  level up and they are bigger. I disagree. I only get emails once a week telling me "Baby is now the size of an avocado" or insert fruit/vegetable. Therefore, logically at midnight every Tuesday morning Baby P levels up! Right? ;)
I quit taking pictures each week of my belly. I was then I decided it wasn't growing fast enough and as my sweet sister told hips are so wide that the baby has plenty of room to grow right now. Awesome.
So I am only taking them every 4 weeks! I am making progress people! :) appears my butt is growing exponentially faster than my belly! Lol!

Also, I had my toes painted blue and pink in honor of finding out what we are having this month!

I wonder if this baby will have my freaky extra long toe! Poor kid...

See ya in two weeks!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Countdown to Baby P- Weeks 13-14

Week 13-

Boring! Pretty uneventful! The only thing I can think to say about Week 13 is I am growing concerned that our baby will be born speaking with a British accent! Why you ask? Because I love Doctor Who and watch at least one episode a day!

Seriously...I am IN LOVE with the Doctor...if only he wasn't spoken for...oh yeah...I am married...and he is an alien!  :)

I had a moment this week when I wondered if maybe I was Donna Noble and had traveled with the Doctor only to have my memory wiped because I had saved the world...alas...I will never know!

I wonder if this baby knows my thoughts...if so he/she is going to have one heck of an imagination! :)

Week 14-

This was the most amazing week yet! I have been very stressed about our baby. I want it to be okay. We haven't heard its little heartbeat yet. We have seen our baby twice, but it was too little to hear the heartbeat.

I went in for my doctor's appointment and I was nervous. I wanted to just hurry up and find out if he/she was still there and still awesome.

The doctor came in and put the little heartbeat thing on my belly and tada! There was our baby's heartbeat! Strong and healthy and happy I would imagine (after all he/she is currently residing in their totally awesome mom!) ! I sat up and started bawling. My sweet doctor gave me a hug and told me I didn't need to cry. I was just so relived that Baby P was doing okay. I totally forgot to ask any questions... oh well!

This appointment was also awesome because we scheduled our anatomy scan! The day we found out if Baby P will be a little boy or little girl! :)

Now I am just working on not gaining too much weight! The eating for two bit is a myth people don't be fooled!! :)

Countdown to Baby P-Weeks 11 -12

Week 11-

This week was boring! I worked ALOT and was super busy during the day and slept almost as soon as I got home... BORING!

Week 12-

This week was EPIC! This was the week I went from what I think is normal Leigha to CRAZY, HORRIBLE, AWFUL, MEAN Leigha! :)

My poor hubby. For around three days I lost my ever lovin mind and went nuts on TJ. I cried and yelled and screamed about who knows what, blaming him for everything under the sun I could think of. I am pretty sure I slammed shut the washer door as loud as possible, tried to clean the kitchen up while banging pots and pans and probably stomping my feet. It was a tantrum for the ages that lasted three days! THREE! TJ hid  in the corner and tried to avoid my wrath.

One night after my hormones had returned to the user friendly option, I came home from work and realized the beans had gotten left out of our crock pot dinner. I was looking in the crock pot thinking how strange it was and mixing it around and finally I mentioned it to TJ. Poor guy comes running into the kitchen saying he followed the directions I had written and not to get angry! I wasn't angry, I thought it was funny!

I kind of feel bad for how I acted...but now it's just funny and we can all move on...some with more scars than the other! :)

Countdown to Baby P- Weeks 9-10

Week 9

The rest of week 9 was relatively uneventful compared to getting to see our sweet baby and letting a few people at work know! The major accomplishment was that I started running longer distances! By long I mean 4.25 miles and by run I mean a nice walk/jog combo! :)

I felt fine. It was strange. I just trudged along on the treadmill like any other day. I didn't want to push it, because I just don't know enough yet. The only thing that was horrible was I WAS EXHAUSTED! When I was finished I had planned to go to the store and get some things done, yeah that didn't happen and I barely manged to shower and get regular clothes on. I laid on the couch the rest of the day. Eh. Baby steps!

Week 10

I feel like week 10 should have dramatic music in the background like DUN DUN DUUUUNNNNN!!!

Why the drama you ask? Because I dub week 10 and the week of continual sobbing. Non stop insane amounts of crying!

I was fine mostly during the day. Then I would get in the car to drive home. The first fit of crying came when I had a moment of "What have we done?" Realizing I would miss out of some of the things I really like to do at work later in the fall made me upset. I like to march to the beat of my drum. I like to do the things I like. Then it turned into "We wouldn't have go to go to Ireland, Hawaii, Beijing, Las Vegas, ANYWHERE if we had a baby!" I cried on the phone to my mom, then I stood in the kitchen and cried to TJ. And that was just one day!

Then next crying fit came after we saw our baby real quick at the doctors office on Thursday. Again, I was fine then I get home and I am panicked because how does the doctor know I am okay? that the baby is okay? That the heartbeat was fine, that everything looks healthy? She only looked for just a little bit. HOW DOES SHE KNOW!!!!! (aside from she is a doctor and knows what she is doing and all my labs were completely normal... you know, that's being rational) Cue tears.

Let's see the next day there was just on and off random crying for no reason really and finally the day after someone was very kind to me and I cried all the way home then when I got home. I was pretty tired after such a tear filled week! And perhaps a little dehydrated! LOL!

I walked/jogged 5.5 miles and felt amazing and it didn't completely wipe me out! YAY!

The best part about week 10, aside from the quick glimpse of the cutest baby ever that just a few days before I was sure had ruined our lives :), was I told my office! We have a potluck and I brought pink and blue cookies. It was so fun and everyone was surprised! I got lots of hugs and this pregnant lady LOVES hugs! :)

Finally, to wrap of week 10 I have decided that when people say "Congrats" when you tell them you are pregnant it's really like they are congratulating you on having sex! Think about it... how do babies get here? So congrats! You did the deed and made a baby! LOL! Think about that next time someone gives you the good news! :)

And just because we can't forget the cutest puppy in all the land!

Count down to Baby P- Week 9 Ultrasound Day!

Week 9

Day 1
OMG! Today was the craziest, most amazing day EVER! Today was our doctors appointment. FINALLY! I woke up at 4:45 and couldn't go back to sleep. I was so nervous. I was scared they wouldn't find a heartbeat, I was scared that they would tell me something else was wrong and I wasn't pregnant, I had every fear going through my head for an hour and a half before I actually got out of bed. So we go through the motions of the morning, get in the car and head to the doctors office. The whole way there I am nearly in tears. TJ was funny. He thought I had a terrified look on my face due to his driving and kept say "I am not driving any different than normal?". He was super confident that everything was okay so he didn't quite understand my worry.

We get to the doctors office and get to see her nurse and she walks us through everything we need to know. TJ kept asking questions, which was good because I couldn't really think clearly. She told us we would have to go to one place for blood work then down the hall for the ultrasound. I love our nurse! She is so sweet and kind! She was very comforting and every time I would bring up something, say like crying for no REAL reason or my constant worrying, etc. she would chuckle and say something like oh I was just like that or those hormones are so crazy. TJ said when we left she was a short version of me, which I thought was funny.

I asked her about running and she said there was no reason I couldn't do the half so go ahead and train away! Now, she did say not to increase my pace from where I was before and to listen to my body. Now is not the time to push it, so walk when I need to and be safe. So YAY! Now, I don't really have an excuse not to be training... is that good or bad?

We left the doctors office and found out I need to come back the next week to do lab follow ups etc. So we made that appointment and headed down the hall to the ultrasound place. They couldn't get us in until 2:30 pm so I had to let work know I wouldn't be there that afternoon. I don't usually take sick days and a couple of the ladies knew I was out that morning for a doctors appointment, so I hope I didn't worry anyone on accident. I went over and had my blood drawn and the tech at one point told me to keep breathing. Apparently, I had started holding my breath at some point. Oops! TJ and I killed a little time and had lunch then headed back for the ultrasound.

My fears were starting to be put at ease, but I still needed to see that baby for myself and know that it was there and okay. It felt like forever before they called us back. When we got back there the tech was worried she may not be able to find it on the first try and she would have to try another method. Luckily, I laid down and she put that thing on my belly and there it was on the screen.

I think the first words out of my mouth were "this is so weird". It was so weird. It was actually in there. We could see its little heart beating on the screen and then it started to move its strange little leg things!! It was all happy and moving around! I had tears in my eyes, but I kept it together. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen. Our sweet little baby was happy (I assume) and healthy. In my UTERUS! It is still kind of blowing my mind and I can't stop smiling. It's so bizarre that a human female body and carry such a weird little creature! I loved it. I wanted to be able to keep looking at it. I didn't realize they could move their parts so early. When the tech left the room I burst out crying (no surprise there) and kept hugging TJ. We had our little baby that we both had been so excitedly waiting for.

They gave us a disc with photos and video, so of course we had to stop by WalMart and print a few off. I was measuring exactly 9 weeks so our little baby Pemberton will arrive August 19th.

I love our picture! I will look at it everyday until the next time we get a little glimpse at our sweet baby! :)

I thank God for this amazing little miracle/blessing and words cannot begin to describe how grateful I am for this baby and how much it is already loved. :)

Side Note: I don't know if I will be able to watch the Olympics this year. We watched the figure skating championships the other night and every time one of the athletes fell I nearly cried. Really?!? Cried! I will take crying over throwing up any day, but it is kind of stupid.

Count down to Baby P- Weeks 7-8

Week 7

The major melt downs in week 7 happened to both take place on the same day.

My sister Kaytie, aka Bridezilla is getting married May 3rd and the entire family is excited for her! Much to my shock and horror she has turned out to be quite bossy and demanding. I had no idea she had it in her! I knew I was bossy and demanding, but by comparison I have been dethroned and Kaytie crowned the new queen! Anyways, the queen requested that I get fitted for my bridesmaid dress immediately. Now that I had told the family about the baby I needed to get the dress fitted for a belly.

I get to David's Bridal first and there is a swarm of happy go lucky bride to be's EVERYWHERE! This place was packed. Every room was full and every staff person was busy. So I wait patiently my turn. Kaytie and Mom arrive and we head back to the dressing room. As we walk back I mention that I am pregnant and will be around 5 1/2 months for the wedding. The lady helping us mentioned that she had a belly I could put on so we could get an idea of what it will look like.

So I put on the belly...

I open the door and Kaytie and Mom have looks of shock and horror on their faces. I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror across from me and cue the tears! It was horrific. I looked awful. I couldn't stop crying! Now remember I was surrounded by happy go lucky bride to be's who are shedding one tear of joy here and there because they are so happy AND SKINNY! And here I have put on a dress that I loved before the belly and was now horrified. Kaytie was super embarrassed and Mom kept telling me it would be okay. They insisted their shock was simply they had never seen me like that before. You could have fooled me!  I could barely pull it together enough to get the dang thing bought and out the door.

I am going blame part of my melt down on being a former fat girl. Now I am not skinny by any stretch, but I love the way I look now and had to work my butt off to get here. So seeing myself big again was more than a little traumatic.

Our next adventure we were off to the new Dairy Queen in Moore. It was so yummy! (I will pause a moment for you to find the irony in the statement above and now this current one! :)) Anyways, I will spare you the details, but I learned within a half hour that I can NEVER EVER EVER eat ice cream again during this pregnancy.

Overall, not an awesome day.

Week 8

This week was relatively boring. I made it through my first week back at work only feeling sick some days and just exhausted when I get home most evenings. The best part is I started to get back to jogging. Just a little bit. I am testing the waters. Seeing how it pans out. I started by walking for awhile then jogging .25 of a mile, the next day I walked more and jogged .5, then the last day I walked for awhile then jogged a mile and felt amazing! I know it sounds lame seeing how I ran 3 half-marathons last year, but I am not willing to hurt baby just so I can workout! I'll talk to the doctor and once I get the clear game on!

You are probably wondering why I want to get back to running or maybe your not! For Kaytie's bachelorette party we are doing the Run Like A Diva Half Marathon/5K in Galveston in April! I am so EXCITED! I am excited because I LOVE running with sister, a large group of her friends will be going, and it's really just an awesome idea and I am an awesome Matron of Honor! :) My goal is for me and my awesome baby to dominate (in a not running for time sorta way) the half!

I am getting to the point during week 8 that I need to tell people at work, because there were a couple of days we went out to eat that I just didn't feel like it and another day where I needed to go home early because I was super sick! I toughed it out, I will tell them after I make sure baby is okay! :)

Countdown to Baby P- Weeks 5-6

Weeks 5 & 6

We told all the Grandparents that we are having a baby! I was nervous because it is so early, but we couldn't miss the opportunity to give them a great Christmas present and it was getting increasingly difficult to keep the secret from my mom and sister since we talk so often.

I found these cute countdown clocks at Hallmark that said Countdown to Grandbaby. I plugged in our estimated due date and it counts down the days. I wrapped them up and put them under the tree.

Mom and Kaytie were already coming over for Christmas Eve, but I had to make up an excuse to get my Dad there so everyone could find out at the same time. So I said something about we should see you before Christmas blah blah, you should stop by blah blah. So he came!

When it came time to open gifts from each other I passed out the special blue presents first and told them to open those before anything else. My Dad protested and said he would open his when we celebrated our Christmas later that week. I told him to just open it and enjoy!

I video tapped their reactions:

They were pretty surprised! When you think about it though, I am surprised they didn't figure it out before they got there. Why else would Dad be coming over? We don't ever do anything together! I will give Kaytie credit. She had a hunch! 

I told everyone to keep it a secret until after our doctors appointment on the 14th. Mom failed. She left that night and told her friend and then the next day was Christmas and things just got weird. 

We had a ton of people over for Christmas. My aunt and her husband, my uncle and his wife, Kim and her boys, and Veronica and her family. We go through the day and all is well and then as the day winds down Mom starts giving me the look and asking under her breath if she can tell her brother and sister. So I cave because she is going to crack anyways and she takes them to her room and shows them them Grandbaby countdown. 

After most of our company left TJ and I headed up to his parents house. We wanted to tell them in person and we wanted all the parents to find out about the same time. We got them the Grandbaby countdown clock as well. It was fun to visit with them and give them the news. I think they were surprised! 

The rest of week 6 has been a combination of being dizzy in the mornings some days, feeling perfectly fine others, eating something one day then not being able to stand the smell the next day. Oh and throw in random crying and we have got ourselves a fun filled week 6! The worst day was when I spent the day in tears because I was so sick! I felt awful and no matter what I did it just wouldn't ease off! I am thankful that I haven't been throwing up and I have had these two weeks off to adjust to these new strange issues.

There is a Bun in my Oven! Weeks 3-4ish

The Day We Found Out
December 13, 2013

Well guess what?!? I'm knocked up! Merry Christmas to the Pemberton's! As I am writing this current blog this is our little secret. It's VERY early and I haven't been to the doctor yet so mum's the word! Get it? Mum?

In an effort not to forget any of the funny little details that I am sure come along with pregnancy, I want to try and blog throughout this crazy time in our lives. You never know, one day our kid may come across this and think it is somewhat comical and it will just affirm the fact that his/her parents are weird and once were super awesome cool people before they were even is to hoping!

So here is the scope. Last night I went with Mom and Kaytie bridesmaid dress shopping. The whole time I had a strange feeling that I might be pregnant, kinda, maybe, but I didn't want to take a test, because every time I take one it's negative. Well that just no fun. I would rather buy clothes then continually pee on my money! Just sayin... And yes I know, my days are limited on spending money on myself! I will cope I imagine! Anywho, I get home from the fun of playing dress up (I found the most fabulous dresses that remind me of Downton Abbey! I hope she picks one of those!) and can hardly sleep because I know I am going to take a test in the morning. At this point I haven't even mentioned this to TJ, I don't want to get his hopes up.

Cue morning wake up music and I am up before 6 am to take a test that could alter the course of our lives FOREVER!!! Wham, bam, thank you mam and I get a positive result that said:

For the record, I think these types of pictures are gross!! May I remind you...people PEE on those things! EWWWWWW! And yes I know, I am going to have to get over my weird gross out factors because babies are pretty disgusting...

I had dreamed of telling TJ in some cute way, but I was too excited so I woke him up and told him immediately! He smiled really big then asked me if he was really awake!

I had a well woman appointment already scheduled for that day, so I start to head to the doctors office. They don't open until 9, but I had to be on my way well before that since we live in the boonies. I called in the car (don't worry, we have hands free) and told them about the positive test. The lady on the phone put me on hold and talked to the doctor. They rescheduled me for a full OB work up for January 14. JANUARY! So I start to get teary and ask what I am supposed to do! She said she could have the nurse call me. Gee thanks! I can't believe people can just walk around this world with some microscopic thing growing inside them and not be given any instructions until week 8!! It's really kind of creepy when you consider it.

I stopped for breakfast trying not to panic, the reality is kind of sinking in at this point I had just told someone besides my husband that we were having a baby. The poor nurse who called me probably wasn't prepared for what happened to her when I answered the phone. My phone rings and it's the nurse. I feel myself starting to cry, because I really had wanted to see the doctor just to feel better about everything, so I pull over. Que tears and crazy woman babble. I start to tell the nurse how I am afraid our baby will have extra fingers and toes because I am addicted to diet drinks and I don't want to do something horrible between now and the doctors appointment and continued to just cry and cry and apologize for crying. That poor nurse! When I made the comment about my fear of extra digits I am pretty sure I heard her say What? on the other end. She said she would send me information right away, but I would be fine! I also asked if I should continually take pregnancy tests to make sure I am still pregnant until my appointment. Yeah, she told me not to do that...

I realized when I got to work, it was pretty easy to focus on work stuff and just get wrapped up in all that jazz and not think about the crazy morning I had just had. Now every time I talked to my hubby it was a different story because we are both very excited.

That pretty much wraps up the day we found out we were having a baby! I came  home ate some pizza, felt awful and went to bed! I will get up in the morning and clean my house and get ready for my mom and aunt to come over for our Christmas baking and pretend that it's just another day! I will say this, if TJ and I can pull off this secret until the 14th of January it will be a miracle. I think we will tell our families on Christmas Eve, just to let them know. Sorry rest of the world you won't find out for a few more weeks!

Wish me luck!

We have a dry erase board on our fridge to leave each other notes. TJ made this one! I not sure if that dude is supposed to be a self portrait or a picture of our kid, but either way it's funny, scary, and cute! :)

Week 4ish

So this is a hard to secret to keep! I want to tell EVERYONE! I am so very excited!! However, I need to tell my family first and it is much to early to announce it to the world. The plan is to tell my family on Christmas Eve when we are all together and I go to the doctor on January 14th to make sure everything is okay and get all the tests done. So I am considering telling people at work the day after that appointment.

A current day in my life looks like this:

  • Wake up-Take Vitamins-Look in the mirror and think OMG there is a baby in there
  • Go to work- on the drive to work think I hope this seat belt doesn't squish the baby in THERE!
  • Get to work walk around think do I look like I am keeping a secret- am I laughing to hard at the word baby-THERE'S A BABY IN THERE
  • Eat lunch-think can I eat this what is this what are the RULES- hope my tummy doesn't feel sick and think OMG there is a baby in there-wait is it really a baby or is it like a blob thing-baby is debatable at this point
  • Work work work-Smile cuz we're having a baby
  • Call my sister on the way home and talk about bridesmaids dresses- think to myself there had better be room for a baby bump cuz THERE IS A BABY IN THERE!
  • Get home- eat dinner- tell TJ you're excited cuz we're having A BABY- eat dinner and go to sleep cuz I AM TIRED! 

I don't like this secret! I want to tell my family and friends to they can be excited. Alas, I must have patience. They will find out soon enough and I want to tell them in a cute way so I have to calm my silly self down! Sheesh!

Oh and just for the record! According to the Chinese Baby Calender we are having a girl! We shall see if it's true! :)

Finally to close out week 4 I got this in the mail:

I pretty much have the sweetest nurse ever and it made me cry when I got this in the mail!